Order Management

In this chapter we will show examples of retrieving orders and changing their details.

Get a Purchase

By using the purchases query field you can get everything about an order including the customer, captures, returns and items.

By selecting only the fields you need, you optimize the data transfer and minimize the encoding overhead on your side.


Try adding more fields to the query and using the autocompletion feature in the editor to discover all the fields you can fetch.

You may use one of the purchases you completed in the Checkout.

Also, remember to explore the Docs tab in the editor. Search, for example, for the Purchase type.

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Cancel a Purchase

A purchase can be canceled before any captures have happened. You need to use the purchaseCancel mutation and provide the id of the purchase you want to cancel.

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Add New Items

Adding new items to an order can be done using the editPurchase mutation. This mutation allows you to add new items and edit existing ones at the same time. In this example we will only show how to add.

The total amount for the purchase needs to be updated with the new total when adding new items.


Currently, orders can be edited only before they are captured for the first time.

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Edit Existing Items

As explained above, editing existing items can be done with the editPurchase mutation too. When editing existing items the total amount for the purchase needs to be updated with the new total.


Currently, orders can be edited only before they are captured for the first time.

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